
"Feuersteig" Schlanders - Vetzaner Leiten

Path no. 13

General description

This trail is mostly snow-free and offers a magnificent view of the opposite Monte Tramontana mountains with the Stelvio National Park and the snowy Ortler group.

Route description

From the main square in Schlanders up to the Franziskus-street, the sun promenade eastwards to the bridge of the creek of Schlanders. From there, the so called “fire trail” no. 13 always eastward, following up to Vetzan. The same way or way no. 12 back.

Variant: from Vetzan down the cycle route and through the orchards to Schlanders.

Description to arrive at destination

From Reschen or Meran to Schlanders.


The following paid parking places are available:

Parking place no. 2 Kapuzinerkirche (0,50 €/hour)

Parking place no. 3 Stainerplatz (0,50 €/hour)

Parking place no. 5 Dammlplatz (0,50 €/hour)

Parking place no. 8 Kulturhaus (0,50 €/hour)

Parking place no. 10 Andreas-Hofer (0,50 €/hour)

Parking place no. 12 Sportzone (3 hours free, 1 € all day)

Public transport

By the Venosta train to Schlanders and then by the Citybus to the stop "Krankenhaus" (hospital).
For more information on the timetables, see www.suedtirolmobil.info

Duur 2:37 h
Lengte 8,73 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 348 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 348 hm
Hoogtemeter 845 m
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De winterwandelen weer in Schlanders en Laas in Vinschgau
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