
Hike along the Ötzisteig

Path no. 5A - 4A

General description

The archaelogical Ötzi Trail walk starts at Kortsch/Corzes, leading up the barren Monte Sole Mountain to the ruins of the little church of St. George and continues along the Schlandrauntal Valley up to Corces Lake. This magnificent though challenging hike is recommended only for seasoned hikers. Since the return trip is by scheduled bus service, the bus timetable should be obtained beforehand.



Route description

From Kortsch/Corzes the Sun Mountain road up past the little church of St. Egidio, turn left at the trail no. 5A and up to the ruins of St. George (George church). From there, following the archaeological trail no. 4A into the Silandro valley. On the forest trail on, up to Corzes lake and the remains of the “Heilbronn hut”. Always following the sign no. 4A until Maso Corto Senales and by bus / train back to Schlanders/Silandro/Kortsch/Corzes.

Description to arrive at destination

From the Vinschgau Valley or Meran/Merano drive towards Schlanders/Silandro, at the roundabout turn to Kortsch/Corzes and drive to the parking place next the parish church.


The car can be parked at the parking place next the parish church Kortsch/Corzes.

Public transport

With the train to Schlanders/Silandro and from there by the Citybus to Kortsch/Corzes or on foot.
For more information on the timetables, see www.sii.bz.it

Safety instructions

Hike only for experienced hikers

Duur 7:50 h
Lengte 19,989 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 2137 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 617 hm
Hoogtemeter 2756 m
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