
Hiking to the Saurüssl Peak

Path no. 14

General description

The Saurüssl tour starts above Lasa/Laas. Head over Alpine pastures to the forest edge and over rugged terrain to the peak with the original marble cross. The real charm of the peak is the panorama. The view extends across the Upper Vinschgau valley including the following mountains and peaks: the Vinschger Sonnenberg, the Jennwand, the Laaser Spitze, the Schluderspitze, the Lyfispitze, the Laaser Ferner and the Taitschroi in the distance. The tour requires stamina and sure-footedness.

Possible refreshment stop: Obere Laaser Alm Alpine farm (June – September)

Description to arrive at destination

Coming from Reschen or Meran to Laas, at the Badplatz turn left and then right into the Schmiedgasse, at the crossroad turn right and follow the road to "Bremsberg"


Parking place Bremsberg

Public transport

With the train to Laas, but from there you have to continue on foot.

Safety instructions

The tour requires stamina and sure-footedness.

Duur 4:19 h
Lengte 7,087 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1376 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 0 hm
Hoogtemeter 2693 m
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Het drijven van de schapen in de regio Schlanders en Laas
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