
To the Lake Kortsch

Path no. 4A - 4 - 4B - 10 - 4

General description

Picturesque tour through the calm Schlandrauntal valley with Alpine Pastures and mountain lakes.

Route description

Take the car and go from Kortsch to the "Platzohl" turn by following the Monte Sole mountain road. Take the partially steep Silandro Valley path along the stream until the pond where the path becomes less steep. Pass by the Schlanderser Alm Alpine Pasture and continue towards the head of the valley. Follow the "Kortscher See" signposting.

There are other mountain lakes above Lake Kortsch as well: the so-called hunger lakes and the black lake. For the descent pass by the Kortscher Alm Alpine Pasture and continue on the Silandro Valley patz until your starting point.

Variant: you can also start this hike at the Neuwaal irrigation channel path (requires mountaineering experience).

Description to arrive at destination

From Reschen or Meran until Kortsch to the "Platzohl" turn by following the Monte Sole mountain road.


The car can be parked at "Platzohl".

Duur 6:23 h
Lengte 18,98 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 1321 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1321 hm
Hoogtemeter 2511 m
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Het drijven van de schapen in de regio Schlanders en Laas
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