
To the Allitz Lakes

Path no. 19

General description

Hike in a pristine natural landscape with picturesque mountain lakes.

Route description

This hike starts at the Tröghöfe farms between Allitz and Tanas. Follow path no. 19 upwards through meadows, woods and sparse terrain. Pass by the Strimmhof farm and continue through the Allitz valley until the Litzer Alp Alpine Pasture (not managed). Continue along the Strimmbach stream until you reach the two mountain lakes: the Small Lake of Allitz and the Large Lake of Allitz. Return on the same path.

Description to arrive at destination

From Reschen or Meran to Laas, up to Allitz and further towards Tanas until the Tröghöfe farms.


The car can be parked at the Tröghöfe.

Public transport

By the Venosta train to Laas where you can take the village bus to the Untergröghof/Obertröghof junction.
For more information on the timetables, see www.suedtirolmobil.info

Duur 5:52 h
Lengte 17,215 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 1259 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1259 hm
Hoogtemeter 2674 m
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Het drijven van de schapen in de regio Schlanders en Laas
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