
To the Göflaner Alm Alp

Hiking Trail no. 2

General description
In the middle of the Stelvio National Park is the Göflaner Alm Alpine Pasture at 1,826 m, directly at the Göflan marble trail. Since 2014, the pasture is managed by the Tappeiner family. It is open throughout the summer and offers many traditional dishes and homemade specialties
Route description

The Göflaner Alm can be reached via hiking trail No. 2. The starting point of this hike is the Haslhof at an elevation of 1,574 meters. From there, the path first leads to the Kohlplätze at 1,666 meters and then follows a forest road to the idyllic Göflaner Alm.

Duur 2:55 h
Lengte 10,036 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 331 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 331 hm
Hoogtemeter 1813 m
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Wandelen in het Vinschgau – Avontuur en plezier
Van eenvoudige panoramawandelingen tot hoogalpine bergtochten: het uitgebreide net aan wandelpaden in het Vinschgau is net zo afwisselend als de vakantieregio zelf.
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