
Hike along the sentiero rosario Tanas

Path no. 25 - 23

General description

The old church-path from Tanas to the church of St. Peter became a way of calm and quiet. The meditation trail leads from Tanas to the church of St. Peter, with 4 wooden sculptures of the artist Ruth Schönthaler and offers a great view over the central Venosta Valley and the mountains of the Ortler group.

Route description

From the old church-path from Tanas to the church of St. Peter

Description to arrive at destination

From Reschen or Meran to Laas, continue towards to Allitz/Tanas.


The car can be parked at the parking place in Tanas.

Public transport

By the Venosta train to Laas and with the Bus to Tanas.
For more information on the timetables, see www.suedtirolmobil.info

Duur 0:25 h
Lengte 1,534 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 38 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 96 hm
Hoogtemeter 1426 m
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De dorpsbus van Laas
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