
Culture walk Silandro

General description

A walk through Silandro fascinates with the highest church tower in the country, marble, castle, art and nature.

From the Capuchin church in Silandro the tour leads past avimundus to the Plawennpark with the Freienturm Manor (town hall) and the marble stele of Martin Teimer, where already the parish church with tower and chapel can be seen. The historic buildings Sachsalber house (old court), parish residence and the frescoes at the Stainer house lead into the pedestrian zone to the marble fountain on the main square and the hospital church on Damml square. Behind it you reach the Schlandersburg castle with the Menhire exhibition through small alleys.

The walk leads above the state road into the fraction Corzes, with historic buildings and an elaborate marble fountain in front of St. John's Church.

Passing at the Drusus barracks and the station, through orchards, you head to the next Silandro fraction: Covelano with various marble sculptures and pillars. The square at the churches of St. Martino and St. Valpurga offers a picturesque backdrop: orchards in the valley, Schlandersberg Castle on the Monte Sole mountain and the mighty Zerminiger summit.

Variants to continue walking:
- Reflection trail to the church of St. Egidio
- Vezzano

Route description

From the Capuchin church in Silandro to the Plawennpark and Stainer house lead into the pedestrian zone to the hospital church on Damml square. Behind it you reach the Schlandersburg castle with the Menhire exhibition through small alleys. The walk leads above the state road into the fraction Corzes.
Passing at the Drusus barracks and the station, through orchards, you head Covelano.

Description to arrive at destination

Coming from Reschen or Meran to Schlanders.


The following paid parking places are available:

Parking place no. 2 Kapuzinerkirche (0,50 €/hour)

Parking place no. 3 Stainerplatz (0,50 €/hour)

Parking place no. 5 Dammlplatz (0,50 €/hour)

Parking place no. 8 Kulturhaus (0,50 €/hour)

Parking place no. 10 Andreas-Hofer (0,50 €/hour)

Parking place no. 12 Sportzone (3 hours free, 1 € all day)


Public transport

By the Venosta train to Schlanders and then by the Citybus to the stop "Rathaus" or on foot.
For more information on the timetables, see www.suedtirolmobil.info

State open
Duur 1:42 h
Lengte 6,059 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad easy
Hoogtemeters bergop 160 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 160 hm
Hoogtemeter 807 m
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