
The Lasta of Tanas

Path no. 25 - 21 - 21a

General description

Panoramic mountain on the Venosta Monte Sole mountain with a view above the Venosta Valley and the Ortler mountain.

Route description

Start in the mountain village of Tanas and go to the Oberfrinig farm passing by Gasthof Paflur. Follow the "Köpfelplatte"" signposting crossing woods and meadows to reach the small panoramic point Köpfelplatte with a breathtaking view of the valley with orchards and vegetable gardens and of the mighty peaks of the Ortles Group with the Stelvio Pass.

Return to Tanas passing by the Mather and along the reflection trail.

Description to arrive at destination

From Reschen or Meran to Tanas.


The car can be parked at the official parking place in Tanas.

Public transport

By the Venosta train to Laas where you can take the village bus to Tanas.
For more information on the timetables, see www.suedtirolmobil.info

Duur 4:52 h
Lengte 14,529 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 992 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 992 hm
Hoogtemeter 2243 m
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De dorpsbus van Laas
Het bergdorp Tanas is het beginpunt voor de “Besinnungsweg Tanas”, een rustige wandelroute en een geliefde etappe van de Vinschger Höhenweg. Vier keer per dag brengt de citybus de gasten van Laas naar Tschengls en naar Tanas.
Wandelen in het Vinschgau – Avontuur en plezier
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