
Spring e-bike tour on the Venosta Valley Sonnenberg

Sport 1-4-2025 - 27-5-2025 Prad am Stilfserjoch
While winter sports enthusiasts still feel comfortable in the ski resorts of the Ortler region and on the Schnalstal Glacier, the MTB season on the sunny Sonnenberg in Venosta Valley is already in full swing. On this easy e-bike spring tour, MTB guide Eugen takes his guests over the sun-drenched slopes between Prad am Stilfserjoch and Kastelbell.
Registratie: by 6.00 pm the day before at partner accommodations in Prad, at the tourist office or online
Trefpunt: National Park House aquaprad at 9:00 a.m
Plaats evenement
- Prad am Stilfserjoch
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Jouw lente - Jouw Vinschgau
Van de bergtoppen van de König Ortler-gletsjer tot de zonnige boomgaarden in de vallei: Vinschgau zit vol contrasten. Op de Vinschger Sonnenberg begint de lente al vroeg. Ver weg van de drukte ontdek je hier historische plekken, wandelpaden en fietsroutes.
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