Marmotta Trophy
Het Martelltal vallei is bekend om de jaarlijkse internationale "Marmotta Trophy", met een van de spectaculairste routes van de ISMF Skitour Wereldbeker.

Ski moutaineering to pre-summit Trumserspitze

General description

Starting point: Certosa/Karthaus (1,327 m a.s.l.)
Ascent: 1,474 m elevation gain, 4 hours
Best time: winter and early spring

Uphill and downhill possible with skis from  to Certosa/Karthaus if the snow conditions are good. Referred to as Gamseck on some maps. The ascent is from Certosa/Karthaus along the road to Farmstead Sennhof and then on the forest path to malga del convento, above Certosa/Karthaus, from there continue southwards to the highest and rather steep ascent to the secondary summit of the Trumserspitze.

Descent A: The same as the ascent route and the road to Certosa/Karthaus.

Descent B: Northwards to malga del convento and along the forest path as far as the viewing point for Certosa/Karthaus and then directly downhill to Certosa/Karthaus through the forest aisle.

For practised skiers

Description to arrive at destination

Naturno/Naturns - Schnalstal Valley - Certosa/Karthaus

Parking places near the centre, free, unguarded
Public transport

With the SAD bus nr. 261 to Certosa (bus stop Certosa)

Lengte 15,042 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 1600 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1600 hm
Hoogtemeter 2910 m
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