
Venosta Valley High Mountain Trail, Stage 2: From Planol to the Glieshöfe farms

General description

From Planol to the Glieshöfe farms:

Difference in height: 1,633 hm
Descent: 1,391 hm
Length: 26.8 km
Duration: 9.5 - 10 h

Route description

This physically challenging stage leads from Planol via Monteschino/Muntetschinig to the  Glieshöfe farms. The route offers wonderful views of the Ortler mountain group. The stage starts in Planol at the end of the valley, then proceeds along route no. 12A in the direction of the Spitzige Lun mountain, and from there, about 1/3 of the route branches off from the main trail along no. 16 in the direction of Monteschino. The main stage of the Venosta Valley Trail continues from the hamlet of Monteschino above Tarces/Tartsch to Mazia/Matsch, to the Gondaalm mountain pasture and on to the Matscher Alm mountain pasture, at 2,045 m – the highest point along the Venosta Valley High Mountain Trail. From the Matscher Alm, head towards Glieshöfe farms at the end of the Matschertal Valley at 1,800 m. Depending on your endurance levels, the stage can also conclude in the village of Mazia (from Monteschino, follow trail no. 14 to Mazia). 

Duur 8:47 h
Lengte 27,831 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad difficult
Hoogtemeters bergop 1473 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 1228 hm
Hoogtemeter 2215 m
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