
Venosta Valley High Mountain Trail, Stage 1: From Resia to Planol/Planeil

General description

From Resia to Planol/Planeil:

Difference in height: 956 hm
Descent: 920 hm
Length: 20,5 km
Duration: 6 - 6,5h

Route description

The Venosta Valley High Mountain Trail begins at the source of the Adige River at the Resia Pass. Worth seeing is the bunker, which was built in the source area of the Adige and dug into the rock. The route leads to the Church Tower in the Lake, the most striking attraction in the Venosta Valley. The construction of the reservoir in 1950 flooded the village of Curon/Graun and parts of Resia. Today, only the Tower in the Lake testifies to the existence of the former and now-sunken villages. Following the lake promenade, the path continues towards S. Valentino/St. Valentin and then through the small mountain villages of Piavenna/Plawenn, Alsago/Alsack and Ultimo/Ulten in the municipality area of Malles. Piavenna lies at the beginning of the scree cones of the Malser Haide. Also located at the hamlet is the highest still-inhabited aristocratic estate in the Alps at 1,730 m. Planol is the stage endpoint. The village with its highly unique character consists of closely-built mountain farms.

Duur 6:30 h
Lengte 20,5 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 956 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 920 hm
Hoogtemeter 1736 m
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