
Hike to the Malga Zirmtal

General description

Hike on Nörderberg of Castelbello-Ciardes to the picturesque Zirmtals Lake and Malga Zirmtal.

Route description

Start your hike to Lake Zirmtal at the ‘Alte Säge’ car park. Follow the large forest road to the Marzoner Alm. Above the hut, take trail no. 18 and hike through the forest to the ‘Schweinstall’ clearing. Continue on trail no. 18, which now becomes steeper and leads over the ridge to the valley basin with the turquoise-coloured Zirmtaler See and the rustic Zirmtaler Alm. Return along the same route.

Description to arrive at destination

Castelbello center, right uphill to Montefranco. After the last farms a small road (no pavement) brings you to the parking lot "old sawmill".


"old sawmill" parking

Opening hours
The Zirmtal Alm is open until the end of October

Status open
Duur 3:45 h
Lengte 8,5 km
Moeilijkheidsgraad medium
Hoogtemeters bergop 624 hm
Hoogtemeter bergaf 440 hm
Hoogtemeter 2114 m
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