
The Ortles holiday region in Val Venosta Valley


ortler_ortles 5 days ago

🇩🇪 Frische Spuren im Schnee! ❄️⛷️ Die Alpinschule sorgt für unvergessliche Skitouren – sicher, professionell & mit maximalem Genuss.
🇮🇹 Tracce fresche sulla neve! ❄️⛷️ La scuola alpina ti offre tour sciistici indimenticabili – in sicurezza, con professionalità e massimo divertimento.
🇬🇧 Fresh tracks in the snow! ❄️⛷️ The alpine school ensures unforgettable ski tours – safe, professional & full of enjoyment.
#stilfserjoch #passostelvio #ortler #ortles #stilfs #stelvio #nationalpark #parconazionale #stilfserjochnationalpark #parconazionaledellostelvio #wandern #hiking #escursione #berge #berglandschaft #mountains #mountainscenery #montagna #vista #natura #natur #nature #vinschgau #venosta #südtirol #altoadige #visitsouthtyrol #southtyrol #alps
📸 Malthe Wöhler

ortler_ortles 6 days ago

🇩🇪 📍Nicht verpassen!📍
Heute ab 14:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr, Bauernmarkt in der Tennishalle in Sulden. Lokale Produkte, Selbstgemachtes und kulinarische Spezialitäten. 😋🤩
🇮🇹 📍Non mancate!📍
Oggi dalle ore 14:00 alle 18:00, mercato contadino nella sala da tennis di Solda. Prodotti locali, prodotti fatti in casa e specialità culinarie. 😋🤩
🇬🇧 📍Don't miss it!📍
Today from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, farmers' market in the tennis hall in Sulden. Local products, homemade goods and culinary specialities. 😋🤩
#stilfserjoch #passostelvio #ortler #ortles #stilfs #stelvio #nationalpark #parconazionale #stilfserjochnationalpark #parconazionaledellostelvio #wandern #hiking #escursione #berge #berglandschaft #mountains #mountainscenery #montagna #vista #natura #natur #nature #vinschgau #venosta #südtirol #altoadige #visitsouthtyrol #southtyrol #alps

ortler_ortles 8 days ago

🇩🇪 Die Stilfser-Joch-Passstraße, auch als "Königin der Alpenstraßen" bekannt, feiert 2025 ihr 200-jähriges Jubiläum. Mit einer Höhe von 2.757 Metern ist sie die höchste Passstraße Italiens und beeindruckt mit 48 Kehren auf der Südtiroler Seite.
🇮🇹 La strada del Passo dello Stelvio, conosciuta anche come "Regina delle Strade Alpine," festeggerà nel 2025 il suo 200° anniversario. Con un'altitudine di 2.757 metri, è la strada passante più alta d'Italia e impressiona con 48 tornanti sul lato dell'Alto Adige.
🇬🇧 The Stelvio Pass road, also known as the "Queen of the Alpine Roads," will celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2025. With an altitude of 2,757 meters, it is the highest mountain pass road in Italy and impresses with 48 hairpin bends on the South Tyrolean side.
#stilfserjoch #passostelvio #ortler #ortles #stilfs #stelvio #nationalpark #parconazionale #stilfserjochnationalpark #parconazionaledellostelvio #wandern #hiking #escursione #berge #berglandschaft #mountains #mountainscenery #montagna #vista #natura #natur #nature #vinschgau #venosta #südtirol #altoadige #visitsouthtyrol #southtyrol #Alps

ortler_ortles 12 days ago

🇩🇪 🤩Wer wäre jetzt auch gerne hier?🤩
🇮🇹 🤩Chi vorrebbe essere qui adesso?🤩
🇬🇧 🤩Who would like to be here now?🤩
#stilfserjoch #passostelvio #ortler #ortles #stilfs #stelvio #nationalpark #parconazionale #stilfserjochnationalpark #parconazionaledellostelvio #wandern #hiking #escursione #berge #berglandschaft #mountains #mountainscenery #montagna #vista #natura #natur #nature #vinschgau #venosta #südtirol #altoadige #visitsouthtyrol #southtyrol #Alps

ortler_ortles 13 days ago

🇩🇪 📍Nicht verpassen!📍
Heute ab 14:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr, Bauernmarkt in der Tennishalle in Sulden. Lokale Produkte, Selbstgemachtes und kulinarische Spezialitäten. 😋🤩
🇮🇹 📍Non mancate!📍
Oggi dalle ore 14:00 alle 18:00, mercato contadino nella sala da tennis di Solda. Prodotti locali, prodotti fatti in casa e specialità culinarie. 😋🤩
🇬🇧 📍Don't miss it!📍
Today from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, farmers' market in the tennis hall in Sulden. Local products, homemade goods and culinary specialities. 😋🤩
#stilfserjoch #passostelvio #ortler #ortles #stilfs #stelvio #nationalpark #parconazionale #stilfserjochnationalpark #parconazionaledellostelvio #wandern #hiking #escursione #berge #berglandschaft #mountains #mountainscenery #montagna #vista #natura #natur #nature #vinschgau #venosta #südtirol #altoadige #visitsouthtyrol #southtyrol #alps

ortler_ortles 18 days ago

🇩🇪 Stilfs ist ein malerisches Bergdorf in Südtirol, das an den Hängen des Stilfser Jochs auf etwa 1.300 Metern Höhe liegt. Die einzigartige Hanglage prägt die Architektur des Ortes, dessen enge Gassen und traditionelle Häuser eine besondere Atmosphäre schaffen. Umgeben von der imposanten Bergwelt des Nationalparks Stilfser Joch ist Stilfs ein idealer Ausgangspunkt für Wanderungen, Bergtouren und Wintersport. Warst du schon mal in Stilfs? Wenn nicht ist es aber höchste Zeit!
🇮🇹 Stelvio è un pittoresco villaggio di montagna in Alto Adige, situato sulle pendici del Passo dello Stelvio a circa 1.300 metri di altitudine. La posizione collinare unica caratterizza l'architettura del villaggio, le cui stradine e case tradizionali creano un'atmosfera speciale. Circondato dalle imponenti montagne del Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Stelvio è un punto di partenza ideale per escursioni, tour in montagna e sport invernali. Sei mai stato a Stelvio? Se no, è ora di andare!
🇬🇧 Stelvio is a picturesque mountain village in South Tyrol, situated on the hillsides of the Stelvio Pass at an altitude of around 1,300 metres. The unique hillside location characterises the architecture of the village, whose narrow streets and traditional houses create a special atmosphere. Surrounded by the imposing mountains of the Stelvio National Park, Stelvio is an ideal starting point for hikes, mountain tours and winter sports. Have you ever been to Stelvio? If not, it's time to visit!
#stilfserjoch #passostelvio #ortler #ortles #stilfs #stelvio #nationalpark #parconazionale #stilfserjochnationalpark #parconazionaledellostelvio #wandern #hiking #escursione #berge #berglandschaft #mountains #mountainscenery #montagna #vista #natura #natur #nature #vinschgau #venosta #südtirol #altoadige #visitsouthtyrol #southtyrol #Alps

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Welcome to Trafoi and Solda - Ortler holiday region

With two skiing areas in Solda/Sulden and Trafoi, the Ortles region is truly a top-class location for winter sports. Home to a magnificent range of flora and fauna, the Stelvio National Park includes the 3,905-meter Ortles and the other five 3,500 m+ peaks in the Ortles group.

The expansive Solda ski area offers winter holidaymakers 44 km of varied pistes, a funpark and a reliable modern infrastructure at more than 3,000 m above sea level. The ski area at Trafoi is an idyllic family-friendly area in the Stelvio National Park. The high-Alpine mountain world of Solda and Trafoi is not only a paradise for skiers, snowboarders and freerider. Challenging summits await experienced Alpine skiers. Those wishing to explore the snowy mountain landscape at a more leisurely pace can enjoy winter walks and snowshoe hikes.

A huge number of paths and mountain trails enable visitors to explore the multi-faceted cultural landscape of this unique region by foot, mountain bike or road bike.
With a network of over 250 km of marked trails, the diverse high-Alpine landscape of the Stelvio National Park forms one of the most popular walking areas in South Tyrol. On and around the Ortles, visitors can take advantage of themed trails, mountain hikes and alpine climbs to suit all levels of difficulty and challenge.

The Ortles holiday area offers accommodation of the most diverse type, but always of the highest quality: from nature holidays on farms, relaxed camping holidays, apartments or half-board up to high end wellness hotels.
Venosta Valley and its Holiday Villages
Venosta Valley and its Holiday Villages
Ortler Stelvio National Park
Ortler Stelvio National Park
The resorts around the Ortler glacier are set in in the stunning landscape of the Stelvio National Park. The sports and hiking area of Solda/Sulden, at 1,900 m, and the Stelvio Pass, one of the highest pass roads in the Alps, are internationally renowned.
Ortler Stelvio National Park
Prato allo Stelvio
Prato allo Stelvio
Situated in the Stilfserjoch National Park, Prato allo Stelvio is a popular family holiday resort and the starting point for a wide range of hiking, mountain biking and skiing in the high mountains.
Prato allo Stelvio
Silandro and Lasa
Silandro/Schlanders, the beating heart of the Venosta Valley, invites visitors to stroll, shop, eat and enjoy. Lasa/Laas, the picturesque “marble village”, stands out for its interesting architecture, quarries of pure marble, and fruit orchards.
Silandro and Lasa
Laces-Val Martello
Laces-Val Martello
Set in the heart of the Venosta Valley, the area of Laces/Latsch enjoys the same mild climate as the Etschtal Valley – an added benefit for mountaineers and cyclists looking to explore the high Alpine routes of the Stelvio National Park or challenging single trails.
Laces-Val Martello
As well as a wide range of natural, artistic, and historical attractions, the holiday region of Castelbello/Kastelbell-Ciardes/Tschars offers visitors the opportunity to sample many culinary specialties of the regional cuisine.
Schnalstal Valley
Val Senales
Schnalstal valley stretches from the vineyards near Juval castle at the valley entrance to the mighty glacier at the end of the valley. In between are centuries-old farms, and steep mountain walls rise into the sky within the Texel Group Nature Park: peace and authenticity amidst a high-alpine mountain landscape.
Val Senales
With two skiing areas in Solda/Sulden and Trafoi, the Ortles region is truly a top-class location for winter sports. Home to a magnificent range of flora and fauna, the Stelvio National Park includes the 3,905-meter Ortles and the other five 3,500 m+ peaks in the Ortles group.

The expansive Solda ski area offers winter holidaymakers 44 km of varied pistes, a funpark and a reliable modern infrastructure at more than 3,000 m above sea level. The ski area at Trafoi is an idyllic family-friendly area in the Stelvio National Park. The high-Alpine mountain world of Solda and Trafoi is not only a paradise for skiers, snowboarders and freerider. Challenging summits await experienced Alpine skiers. Those wishing to explore the snowy mountain landscape at a more leisurely pace can enjoy winter walks and snowshoe hikes.

A huge number of paths and mountain trails enable visitors to explore the multi-faceted cultural landscape of this unique region by foot, mountain bike or road bike.
With a network of over 250 km of marked trails, the diverse high-Alpine landscape of the Stelvio National Park forms one of the most popular walking areas in South Tyrol. On and around the Ortles, visitors can take advantage of themed trails, mountain hikes and alpine climbs to suit all levels of difficulty and challenge.

The Ortles holiday area offers accommodation of the most diverse type, but always of the highest quality: from nature holidays on farms, relaxed camping holidays, apartments or half-board up to high end wellness hotels.
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